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    UC Riverside

    Department of History


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    The History Department recognizes the history of racism and violence in our community directed especially at Black people and other people of color, and recognizes the bravery of UCR students in addressing our faculty. In support of our students and communities and our need to look inward, the History Department is taking time to engage in a process of reflection and change. The Department will post an action plan with concrete steps.


    From the Chair: I would like to welcome you to the Department of History at UC Riverside.  Our 32 full time faculty cover a range of areas, themes and issues that range all periods of history around the globe.  We have earned recognition for international and national excellence in research and teaching. Our undergraduate offerings emphasize critical thinking, writing, and research. Our graduate program offers students the opportunity to focus on one or more areas of concentration by working closely with a scholar in her/his field.  The Department of History at UC Riverside is an exciting place to study, live and develop a passion for history at all levels.  And since history is an important component of any degree program, we offer exciting, interdisciplinary opportunities as well.

    Dr. 哪些方法可以浏览国外网站, Department Chair
    See full welcome


    2020 History majors graduates celebration
    Click to view


    This is Fine

    Former Public History student Anthea Hartig is interviewed this week on the radio program called ON THE MEDIA

    Will the Pandemic Usher in an Era of Mass Surveillance in Higher Education?

    Dr. Juliette Levy weighs in


    In January 2020, Michele Salzman and Colin Whiting attended the Annual Annual Meeting of the Society for Classical Studies in Washington DC
    Portrait bust of Julius Caesar (also known as the Tusculum portrait), 50–40 B.C., Roman. Marble. Museum of Antiquities, Turin, Italy. Creative Commons CCO 2.0

    Upcoming Talk: Dr. Steve Chrissanthos on Caesar at the Getty Villa, 3/14

    Dr. Chrissanthos will be a featured speaker at "The Ides of March: the Context and Consequences of Caesar's Death"

    Upcoming Events